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S01E04 5


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Well, uh, nice to see you.
You too, Mrs. Huber.
You're so silly. Pretending not
to like him on my account.

I mean, really.

- Will you just drop it?
- You shouIdn't be rude to me.

Your secret is not
an easy burden to bear.

That insurance company
is putting Edie through hell.

- But still I've said nothing.
- Well...

The Ionger it takes for her payment,
the Ionger she'll be staying with me.

Eating me out of house and home.
Using up my hot water.

What exactIy is it
you want from me, Mrs. Huber?

Are these together?

Ring it up.

If the schooI and the pediatrician
think the twins couId be medicated,

then what's the probIem?

I used to run a company with 85 peopIe,

and now I can't wrangIe three small boys
without doping them?

- TaIk about feeIing like a faiIure.
- You are a great mother.

But, Iet's face it,
your kids are a challenge.

Thank you. That's the nicest way
you couId've said that.

When they're not making me
want to tear my hair out,

they're actually really sweet.

I'm afraid if I change the bad stuff,
I'm going to change the good stuff.

- It's a tough call.
- Like this mug.

I Iove this mug. If I medicate them,
will they still make me a mug like this?

- You know, it's Ieaking.
- Yeah, I know.

We taIked to PauI. We toId him
we need to show him something.

He's on his way over.

So, PauI, we notice that
you're selling the house.

Yes, too many painfuI memories.
I'm sure you understand.

Before you move, there's
something you shouId know.

It seems there may be more to Mary
AIice's death than you are aware of.


Remember when you asked us
to pack her things?

- When we did we found a note.
- And we think you shouId have it.

You can see from the postmark, Mary
AIice probabIy got it the day she died.

- PauI, are you going to be OK?
- No.

- Have you aIways cIeaned with socks?
- Yes.

- What is that, a Japanese thing?
- I am Chinese.

- I don't like Iying.
- Yeah?

I don't like your ironing, so there.

- What are you doing here?
- CarIos found this under the bed.

Oh, crap.

It's OK. It was cIose call,
but I managed to cover.

I got you these, so from now on,

we can't Iet CarIos see you wearing
anything resembIing a gym sock.

You want me to mow your Iawn
in sandaIs. I couId Iose a toe.

Imagine what you'd Iose if he finds
out you're trimming more than the hedge.


Why are your friends staring at me?


hedge [hedʒ] n. (Hedge)人名;(英)赫奇 v. 用树篱笆围住;避免作正面答复 n. 对冲,套期保值;树篱;障碍 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :4118}

sock [sɒk] vt. 重击;给……穿袜 n. 短袜;一击 adv. 正着地;不偏不倚地 adj. 非常成功的 n. (Sock)人名;(德)佐克 {gk cet4 cet6 ky gre :4277}

socks [sɑks] n. 袜子(sock的复数) {zk :4277}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

trimming [ˈtrɪmɪŋ] n. 整理;装饰品;配料;修剪下来的东西 { :4920}

rude [ru:d] adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的;狂暴的;未开化的 n. (Rude)人名;(英、西、瑞典)鲁德;(法)吕德 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :5635}

mug [mʌg] n. 杯子;脸;苦读者 vi. 扮鬼脸,做怪相 vt. 行凶抢劫 {cet4 cet6 ky :5770}

crap [kræp] n. 废话;废物;屎;拉屎 vi. 掷骰子;拉屎 n. (Crap)人名;(英)克拉普 { :7117}

mow [məʊ] n. 草堆;皱眉;谷堆 vt. 割草;收割庄稼 vi. 割草;收割庄稼 n. (Mow)人名;(英)莫 { :9661}

pediatrician [ˌpi:dɪə'trɪʃn] n. 儿科医师(等于pediatrist) { :9782}

doping [dəʊpɪŋ] n. [体育]使用(或服用)兴奋剂;电子学掺杂(质);[工程]上涂料 v. (dope的ing形式)给…服用毒品; 强迫…吸毒 { :10180}

medicate [ˈmedɪkeɪt] vt. 用药治疗;加药品于 {gre :21529}

medicated [ˈmedɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 药制的;含药的;掺入药物的 v. 用药治疗;加入药品(medicate的过去分词形式) { :21529}

postmark [ˈpəʊstmɑ:k] n. 邮戳 vt. 在(邮件)上盖…的邮戳 { :25260}

Huber [ ] [人名] 休伯; [地名] [美国] 休伯 { :37622}

couid [ ] [网络] cpuid

exactiy [ ] [网络] 究竟

IAWN [ ] [网络] 港;国际星体预警网络;预警系统

iet [ ] abbr. interest equalization tax 利息平准税

iying [ ] (iie 的现在分词) n. (Iie)人名;(日)饭卫 (姓) abbr. 特发性无效性红细胞生成(idiopathic ineffective erythropoiesis)

peopie [ ] [网络] 交稿;真知卓见;皮普

taik [ ] n. 台客; (Taik)人名;(东南亚国家华语)德

toid [ ] [网络] 收件人;偏载检测器;偏载数据

a mug [ ] [网络] 圆筒形有柄的大杯;马克杯

be rude [ ] [网络] 粗鲁;表现出蛮横的态度

be rude to [bi: ru:d tu:] na. 对…粗暴无礼 [网络] 对……粗鲁;对……无礼;粗暴对待

I'm afraid [ ] [口语]恐怕,担心;大概;对不起[因为要说不受欢迎的话而用的客套语]

tear my hair [ ] vi.撕扯自己的头发

to mow [ ] [网络] 割草;刈割;剪草

to pack [ ] [网络] 紧缩;打点行李;打包

to tear [ ] [网络] 撕;思耂;撕破

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用